Wednesday, June 10, 2009

new life has begun

yeah. macam life dalam tv kan.? people just go and in.
but never stoppped. because they doesn't have what they want.
and thanks yeah. you will know by the time our age is 17.we think like man. put the childish things away. for sure kita dah takpayah suruh orang guide bila nak buat something.
and my last advice is just be urself. don't fall for someone easily. try a little bit ,control urself when this situation happened. c'mon i believe you can do it . you dah pergi so faaaaaar,even big probs u can handle rite,i hope.. i dont need to worry about anything. tcare bebeh, dah takda sakit2 jatuh ituini lepas ni(:

jangan percayakan lelaki. ohh perempuan pun sama.(:
tipulahhhhh kalau lelaki tak suka maria ozawa.! orang2 macam tu naive n false pretend je.
ouh btw, doakan SPM sayaaa

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